ReCall: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
Seems like Rumsfeld has a hard time explaining himself. While speaking in Atlanta today, crooked, lying dirtbag ol' Rumie was questioned by an audience member on statements he made about WMDs before the Iraq War.
Rumsfeld proceeds to say he never said such things. Then the audience member (who just happened to be a former CIA agent) read him his exact words back. It is fun to watch our Defense Secretary struggle to make sense of what he had actually said.
What burns operatorLA up the most-other than the fact that our government is being run by criminals- is that the audience begins to boo and heckle the person asking the question and then try to remove him from the room. This is the majority of America's mentality at the moment and probably the reason why we are in the state that we are in. People would rather avoid conflict and remove it than actually stand up and ask the questions that need to be asked. Or even sit by and hear them be asked.
watch the video here!
Thank you Ray McGovern!
think progress via towleroad
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