
Chit Chat: Pimps, Preggers & Paltrow

It's hard out there fo' a Pimp! Especially when Sen. Grassley wants to send the tax man after them. [Sploid]

Ack. Naked Britney on the cover of Bazaar. Avert thine eyes. [Gawker]

Wow. Not only is Jessica "Horse Face" Simspson biting Madonna's video style, her new single may be ripping off the Material Girl's hit song Holiday. [Star]

Both Jessica Simpson and Kristin Cavallari lost the role of Lucy Ewing in the upcoming big-screen version of Dallas to none other than Katie Cassidy, daughter of David Cassidy. Which just means that the movie will still suck, but with a lesser known actor. [TMZ]

Gwyneth Paltrow is not, we repeat not, recording an album. And the apocalypse is staid for the time being. [TMZ]

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