
The Ring-A-Ding: Too Gay for Display, Gays and Babies-Ok, and the NSA

well, Macy's had better watch out. The last thing a retailer wants is a gay backlash, but that is what could be happening if they don't rectify this situation and fast. And operatorLA agrees with operatornyc about the remake of Mannequin, except wasn't it gay already? A man named Hollywood and Kim Catrall! [via towleroad]

Ok, this is how it is. In Missouri, a lesbian couple couldn't be foster parents because their sexual relationship violated state sodomy laws. The US Supreme Court struck down those type of laws as unconstitutional. Now the Missouri Lesbians will be allowed to adopt. [via 365 gay]

In its ongoing effort to be completely criminal but at the same time attempt to be covert, the government will not admit that the NSA was secretly spying on gay groups. I mean, c'mon, if they did they are just plain stupid. What do they think we are going to do? Terrorize the shoppers at Macy's with hairspray bombs and toture the hostages with Britney on repeat. Hey not a bad idea. [via pink news]

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