
Chit Chat: Don't Call It a Verb

Google doesn't want you to use the word "Google" as a verb. Don't believe us? Google it. [FishbowlNY]

What does Jodi Foster have in common with Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams? They like to use sign language.

Sexperts Em & Lo discuss men with beards. By beards we mean actual facial hair, not Penelope Cruz. [NYM]

Lindsay Lohan is wearing the most fucking retarded shoes ever. And not retarded in a good way. Ewww. Though in her defense, unlike other crack whores, she at least wears shoes. [source]

Madonna's cameltoe turns 48 today. Happy Birthday. [Best Week Ever]

Ah, the innocent racism of Sen. George Allen: "I say Macaca, you say Nig**r. Let's call the whole thing off. [The Carpetbagger Report]

Do we really need a diagram to tell us Nicole Richie is a skeleton? [popbytes]

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