
The Ring-A-Ding: Tobacco and Their S.C.U.M. Plan, Lesbian won't Be Deported to Iran, And Feingold is Our Man

How very X-Files this next item is, but the idea of a horrible big-business corporation targeting certain demographics does not surprise us. Seems that a major tobacco company planned on boosting sales of their cigarettes in the mid-90s by targeting a new consumer market: gays and homeless people. They called their plan "Project Sub Culture Urban Marketing." Also known as "Project SCUM."

You thought it was bad that you couldn't marry your partner, imagine if returning to your own country meant that you could be killed. That was the prospect that one Iranian lesbian was facing until a court in Germany ruled on Monday that she could not be deported because she risks a death sentence because of her sexuality. [via 365 gay]

operatorLA loves this man and hopes that Russ Feingold will be running for President in 2008. He is attractive, intelligent and not afraid to say what he really means on any subject. Feingold spoke at the HRC's annual Black Tie Gala in San Francisco recently and has been an open proponent for gay marriage (not just civil unions) for quite some time.

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