
The Directory: Trick or Treat?

We have a love/hate affair with Halloween. Sometimes we enjoy getting creative and coming up with a kick ass costume, and some times it's not worth the hassle, especially when most of our lady friends just opt for the default "Slutty (fill in the blank)". We yearn for the days of yore, when all we had to do was swing by the local drugstore and pick up a plastic mask off the rack. It wasn't about the costume, it was about the candy. It's all gotten so complicated now. That said, if we could get our hands on these craptastic outfits from back in the day we'd be happy as pigs in shit. What pop culture lovin' fool wouldn't want to go as Mr. Kotter or Vicki from "Small Wonder"?

You can find more of these vintage goodies over at retroCRUSH, in their worst Halloween costumes of all time section.

Horrible Halloween Costumes [City Rag]


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