
Wiretap: Canadian Lesbian Musician

The only reason that operatorLA has posted this under Wiretap (music Segments) is that he was so confused by Kalan Porter that he didn't know where else to put it.

operatorLA had never heard of Porter before, which is no surprise since Porter is the winner of Canadian Idol. Hell, operatorLA doesn't even have enough time to keep up with American Idol, let alone know who the Canooks are voting for. Then he stumbled upon this picture of Porter over at PerezHilton.com. operatorLA was dumbfounded! At first he thought he had missed the news that Jennifer Anniston and Ellen Degenneres had a love child. Then he couldn't believe that some chick in 2006 was rockin' a spiral perm. Then he read the caption that stated Porter was a man, baby! operatorLA hadn't been that confused since pictures of Ryan Seacrest kissing a girl surfaced.

Still confused by it all, operatorLA isn't ready to believe everything he reads so he is filing Ms. Porter under the Heading of Lesbian Music (I mean, c'mon, she he plays the violin for christ's sake!)

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