
* 69: Jessica Simpson

This girl does not have one orignial or creative bone in her body.

On Friday, operatorLA was driving to his home and was taking some side streets because the freeways were such a mess. He passed a roller-rink, which is very near to his house, and noticed the set-up for a film shoot. Then he saw the crowd of papporazzi and began to freak out. Was it Madonna? Then his cooler self pre-vailed. Of course it wasn't MAdonna, she had already done the roller skating thing two months ago. So, operatorLA wondered who it could be.

Then this photo appears and news of horse face Simpson's new video began to spread. He should have known it was untalented, media hack Jessica Simpson who would so readily steal Madonna's ideas.

Had he known that Horse Face was shooting he would have brought over a few bails of hay to take the heat off the craft service people.

find out more about this story here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Horse face? Whore's face!