Chit Chat: The New Black
Out Magazine's new editor wants the fag rag to be more "Bowie gay" than "Cher gay". So, that means more androgynous, tranny-dating, only have gay sex when high-on-cocaine gay? We guess that's better than making it "Aiken gay," or else they have to change the name of the mag to Closet. [Gawker]
Alanis Morrissette split with hunky boyf Ryan Reynolds. Oh shit, here comes another break-up song. She' s probably got a couple albums worth of material out of this one. [Google News]
Paul McCartney apparently split with his wife Heather because of lurid photos of her that surfaced. Come on Macca, a one-legged slut? That's a keeper. [Google News]
ipods are cooler than beer. Maybe, but ipods never got that sorority girl so wasted she had a threesome with you and your roommate. [Yahoo News]
Tom Cruise has cooties? Oh, so that's what they're calling it nowadays. [Slate]
Thanks to popbitch for the following item. Now we're going to totally have to re-think our wardrobe:
Fisting is the new black
The British fashion pack can always be relied on to start new trends. And this summer, the big new thing seems to be... fisting. One young chap met Alexander McQueen on gaydar, and went round to his house. The two men got along famously until the designer revealed his thoughts on fisting. The lad got scared, made his excuses and left. Unfortunately, he left in such a hurry that McQueen's dog chased and started to attack him. Cue much attention and generosity to the boy, in the hope that he wouldn't report the beloved pooch.
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