
The Ring-A-Ding: Gays from a plane marry only in Spain while Prince in India meets family disdain

Here in America, our gay soldiers can't even talk about their husbands or wives. In Spain, gay soldiers can get married to their husbands and wives. Two gay privates in Spain's Air Force will marry this summer the ETA news agency reported on Tuesday. The wedding will be the first same-sex marriage for the country's military. Although no pictures of the couple were released, operatorLA is just going to imagine that they are hot. It makes the fantasy better. [365 gay]

In related marriage news, while most of America is trying to ban gay marriage, Virgina's Democratic Party unanimously passed a resolution opposing the proposed gay marriage amendment to Virginia's constitution. Nice. Maybe Virginia really will be for lovers.

Wow! operatorLA thought it was bad enough when he came out and his mother cried. Atleast she didn't take out an ad in the newspaper and tell everyone not to refer to her as operatorLA's mother. That's what the mother of one of the Princes of India did. And he got dis-inherited. Ouch!

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