
The Ring-A-Ding: Religion is so Gay!

Hell's a-poppin on the religion front today. Many of our country's established religions are taking up a gay debate in one way or another. Some want to allow gay clergy, Some want to ban gay clergy, and one queer is claiming the catholic church shut him down...sort of. Here's a round up of religious news.

Presbyterians to decide if they should allow gay clergy. We think that is funny. Allow. The gay clergy is already there people, really you should be deciding if you want to live in denial or not.

Meanwhile, the Episcopals are deciding on whether to create a ban on gay clergy.

However, there is some light at the end of the Anglican tunnel after the U.S. branch of the church elected a liberal female leader who said she believed homosexuality was no sin and homosexuals were created by God. The Operator applauds Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori who released this statement:

"I believe that God creates us with different gifts," she said. "Some people come into this world with affections ordered toward other people of the same gender and some people come into this world with affections directed at people of the other gender."

Wow, the Catholic Church can't even seem to like a gay guy who was an Iraqi insurgent hostage. James Loney is accusing the Knights of Columbus of closing a youth camp which he is associated because he is gay.


Anonymous said...


am random person.

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from, Random.

OperatorNYC said...

thanks Random

tell all your friends

keep coming back


OperatorNYC said...

thanks Random

tell all your friends

keep coming back
