
411: The Operator Diet: We're Drinking to Our Health

Who knew all our degenerate boozing and drugging was actually contributing to our health? From our friends over at Too Pretty For Math (via CNN):

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Huge amounts of a red wine extract seemed to help obese mice eat a high-fat diet and still live a long and healthy life, suggests a new study that some experts are calling "landmark" research.

The big question is, can it work the same magic in humans?

Scientists say it's far too early to start swilling barrels of red wine. But they are calling the latest research promising and even "spectacular."

Recent studies have also shown smoking pot may stave off Alzheimer's disease.

Take that all you granola-eatin' healthy bitches. We're fittin' to crack open a new bottle of Pinot Noir and pack a bowl post-haste. For medicinal purposes.

This Is My Dream Come True! [TPFM]
Marijuana compound may slow Alzheimer's [Science Daily]

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