
Conference Call: Queers of the World Unite

Jerusalem Open House, organizers of WorldPride, will express solidarity with the gay Palestinian community tomorrow at a demonstration next to the city’s separation wall.

operatorLA applauds the Israeli queer community for reaching across political lines to take a stand with their Palestinian brothers and sisters. The world would be a better place if we all could get past our differences and see that we are very much alike.

However, just don't ask operatorLA to start liking those damn Log Cabin Republicans. There is something inherently against nature when a person is both queer and a Republican. We don't get it and we don't like it.

In related News...

Madonna changed a segment of her show to refelct the growing conflict in the middle east. the choreographed "arm tango" used to be done by two men during the "forbidden Love" number. It was a well conceived and executed shout out to her gay fan base. But Madge has tweaked the number a bit. Now the "tango" is performed by different dancers whose appearances reflect a more middle eastern look. The dancers' torsos have also been painted with the Crescent Moon and the Star of David, to signify the two sides of the recent struggles. Read more about it over here at Towleroad

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